Who Wants Scentsy :)


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May 2, 2013

Christina B.

Here is my website christinareneeboudreaux.scentsy.us
If you need to contact me you can email me at xxhcobabyxx@yahoo.com or just ask for my number!
Check out scentsy you'll love it ❤ we have warmers, scents, body washes, scentsy buddies ect.

May 2, 2013

Niki W.

I love scentsy!!

May 2, 2013

Christina B.

Order stuff from me! We have so much :)

May 2, 2013

Niki W.

I would but my mom sales it or would!!

May 2, 2013

Niki W.

I will tell my friends though cus they don't go to her parties or anything so if they want anything I will pass the word along (:

May 2, 2013

Christina B.

K thanks :)