*Best Product To Cover Red Cheeks:(.


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May 10, 2013

Clara H.

I have tried everything to treat/cover my red cheeks:(. Any suggestions I love to go more natural in the summer but can't. I use SPF in my moisturizer. >HELP>.

May 10, 2013

Rebecca M.

Any green neutraliser will do. I use Atelier, it's my personal fav..

May 10, 2013

Clara H.

AWESOME thank you. Will look into it now. (:

May 10, 2013

Cole M.

I haven't tried green, but I do use a yellow concealer and it works wonders!

May 10, 2013

Clara H.

Thank y'all I am to the point I will try or buy anything. :(. Ways had nice skin now poof all red.

May 10, 2013

Rebecca M.

If you want to conceal red properly, you need to use green. It works on colour principles, green being opposite to red, there by neutralising the red.

May 10, 2013

Anna D.

I use green sometimes but I wear mineral foundation and never wear blush.

May 10, 2013

Sidra Q.

You might want to visit a dermatologist too. If they go redder when you're embarrassed or excited or when you stay in the sun for two long, it might be a skin problem, like rosacea. I had the same prob, got diagnosed and now its so much better with the stuff they prescribed.

May 10, 2013

Clara H.

Thank y'all. I ordered some of the smashbox green primer has great reviews fingers crossed.

I use the mint Baby Choux base from Etude House.