One eye bigger than the other.


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May 10, 2013

Sydney D.

You could try to take pictures with your smaller eye more towards the camera so it appears larger. Also, I bet there's an eyeliner trick you can use to disguise it. I wouldn't be surprised if you're the only one who notices that though :)

May 10, 2013

Eileen A.

I agree with Sydney! You're probably the only one who notices. I think my left eye is smaller than my right but others say I'm crazy lol. Definitely try using eyeliner to give the illusion that they're the same size.

May 10, 2013

Monimara B.

My eyes are the same way but it's unnoticeable unless I tell ppl! you're still beautiful and don't let that stop you from taking pics. we all have some form of imperfection. embrace urs and find different ways to fake it out. stay fabulous hun!!

May 10, 2013

Samantha B.

This is normal, I have the same problem. you can learn eyeliner to help balance it out , gives the illusion of even eyes :)

May 10, 2013

Samantha B.

Use* not learn lol

May 10, 2013

Desiree M.

Almost nobody's face is perfectly symmetrical!! One of my eyes is just a little more hooded than the other, so doing eyeliner is a pain but I always say "F IT" and still get compliments:) Don't worry about it, you're beautiful.

May 10, 2013

Jessica T.

Every day I have to see if one eye is less slanted (bigger) then the other. I have found eyeliner ideas that help on youtube. I have hooded monolids.

May 10, 2013

Molly N.

Nothing in our bodies is equal to something the same. We all have slightly (or more obviously) different sized eyes, ears, feet, hands - even boobs! I know right? Don't worry about it. I'm sure you look beautiful. Just concentrate on things you do like about yourself.

May 10, 2013

Alondra G.

Like the other ladies recommended, eyeliner. It does help. My right is smaller than my left, well just droopier if that makes sense lol. I have down turned almond shape eyes.

May 10, 2013

Ana P.

Everyone, every human being has an eye smaller than the other one, a bigger hand, a bigger ear, we're asymmetrical so don't be ashamed! its completely normal<3.

May 10, 2013

Kimi R.

Everything on the left side of my whole body is a bit larger than my right. From my eyes to my feet EVERYTHING is a bit larger. I try to never take photos of a straight on pose cause it is really noticeable. Really noticeable. Keep your chin up you are not alone and your are gorgeous!!

May 10, 2013

Emma K.

No one has both eyes the exact same size. My right eye is bigger than my left one.

May 10, 2013

Lexiijade G.

Mine are the same. I have a bit more fat in my right eyelid than my left, it makes my left look bigger and my right look a little lazy. Try taking pictures with your smaller eye a little away from tge camera, it just looks then like you've got your face at an angle. But you will be the only one that notices, I talk about mine and people only then notice it when I'm like "look at it. its uneven!!" haha. But don't worry yourself, no one is completley symmetrical!!

May 10, 2013

Sinéad K.

Everybody in the whole world has one side of there body bigger than the other whether it be the left side or right side it varies with everyone!! I just had a look at your pictures and I would never have noticed at all only that you had said it and even at that there is such a slight difference I wouldnt worry about it x

May 11, 2013

Maria S.

I have that too!