What's A Good Eyeliner?(Pencil)


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May 11, 2013

Jasmine T.

What's a good eyeliner pencil??any suggestions?..not something to expensive tho..

May 11, 2013

Jasmine T.

@Amanda M. Is the water proof one better?

May 11, 2013

Atlanta R.

I love kohl eyeliner pencils! They go on so easily and you only have to do one layer because it comes out dark, unlike normal cheap eye pencils where you have to press hard or go over the line over and over again just to achive a decent color.

May 11, 2013

Roya H.

I recommend Milani Liqui'feye pencil. its the BEST eyeliner I have used. its around $6.99 at CVS.

May 11, 2013

Alicia D.

I second the Milani Liqui'fi pencil. It's the only eyeliner that stays on my water line.

May 11, 2013

Laura W.

Nyx :)