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May 11, 2013

Hannah B.

For you!
So I have been having really bad clusters of bumps appearing on my face and they just are not going away, any tips?
Also I need some new eyeshadow ideas and ways to apply them...I would love to do black but I'm scared! Post pics of eye looks please and kinda describe how to do them?
I would love the help!! 

May 11, 2013

Hannah B.

And if I try them out I will post a pic and give you credit!(:

May 11, 2013

Sarah M.

Well for the bumps. I suggest hydrogen peroxide. It's amazing stuff. Or baking soda. Some times spot treatments don't work

May 11, 2013

Hannah B.

Ok! I will totally try baking soda!! Thank you so so so much!

May 11, 2013

Alyssa V.

It sounds bizarre but try washing your face with honey and baking soda - I saw it on PINTREST and tried it and it's amazing - the baking soda acts like an exfoliant and the honey is antibacterial - just went your fingers and use all natural honey then rub some baking soda on - I love how my skin feels afterwords - it's not sticky at all- PROMISE!

May 11, 2013

Hannah B.

Totally going to try that!! Thank you bunches! xo.

May 11, 2013

Morgan S.

A tiny bit of coconut oil usually gets rid of little bumps for me. (I get them on my shoulders)

May 12, 2013

Hannah B.

See that's the thing, they made them worse! :(