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May 10, 2013

Lolli S.

Nice nthg wrng with it.

May 10, 2013

Emma d.

I love chins like yours!! I wish I had my chin like that. I think it's special cuz not everyone has a chin like yours. I love your chin(ok, that sounded weird;))

May 10, 2013

Lolli S.

O actually mine is the same ,I've heard its a birth defect but I dnt think so I also have dimples on both shoulders.

May 10, 2013

Eka S.

I have chin like that... in Indonesia its really cute :)

May 10, 2013

Samantha A.

I have the same chin, there's not many people who have it so love it!!

May 10, 2013

Kacy N Blake H.

Mirnesa, I have a "butt chin" too lol. I love it now cause it is different. my grandfather passed it on to me. my dad always told me the story of when I was born how he knew which one was me in the nursery cause he noticed the "hodges" chin. I hated it though growing up cause of the teasing but so many celebrites get surgery to have a cleft chin. I feel your pain about the teasing though. embrace what's different about yourself.

May 10, 2013

Daiaa V.

You are beautiful no matter what others say.

May 10, 2013

Kristen K.

beautiful :)

May 10, 2013

Nehal S.

I have it too :)

May 10, 2013

Adaria S.

I have a chin just like yours, but only when I smile a certain way haha :)

May 11, 2013

Savanna S.

Dimpled chins are so adorable! you're very pretty too, embrace it!