Makeup Pet Peeves


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May 16, 2013

Salome V.

I honestly think People who don't know how to apply on makeup need help on how to do it the right way. Not bashed. Everyone starts somewhere:)

May 17, 2013

Alainie J.

Weird eyebrows colorful lipstick bronzer sorry ladies I hate that obvious brown that's shades too dark but I respect that fact that you can do what you want

May 17, 2013

Kallie F.

I agree with every single person lol but mainly the foundation being an obvious different color than the person skin tone and eyebrows that are way to over done.

May 17, 2013

Kaitlyn L.

Sloppy eyeliner bugs me like no other. When I'm talking to someone who doesn't take the time to notice that there's smudges all over and it's super uneven, I can't help but to keep looking at it. Take the time to make it look nice (:

May 17, 2013

Isabel S.

This is Kinda weird but it bothers me when people don't curl their lashes before using masara cause without them curled the mascara doesn't make a difference.

May 17, 2013

Lexi C.

Thick dark obviously drawn on eyebrows. there's a girl on here who does that and she looks like she took a sharpie to her face...sooo absurd to look at! how can ppl go out the house with that ridicuousness!

May 17, 2013

Robyn S.

I hate when people put a bunch of mascara on their bottom lashes and they look like spiders! And wrong colored foundation is annoying...once I asked a girl why she wore the wrong colored foundation and her response was "well, it's from MAC." Or cakey foundation... Or when people don't use primer so their cake face is literally melting off... Ugh. Such a hard life xD.

May 17, 2013

Kylie M.

Mine is when girls wear eyeshadow without mascara! Mascara can literally make or break a look!!

May 17, 2013

Cecilee W.

Clumpy mascara! and too much bronzer is another big "NO NO"

May 17, 2013

Sami N.

Rings around people's eyes and mouth cause of foundation and their foundation is way darker than their skin.

May 17, 2013

Sami N.

Also there are girls in 6th grade who are wearing a lot of blue eye shadow some days and really red lipstick the others.

May 17, 2013

Irene V.

When people wear eyeliner & no mascara. lol that bugs me so much.

May 18, 2013

Sami A.

Omg... when people eyeshadow, and it gets on their eyelashes and don't wear mascara... orange face and white neck, smudge make up... and when people can not pull of red lips or blush.