What are your travel essentials?


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May 15, 2013

Katarina M.

I'm taking a flight to England, it's only about an hour because I currently live in Germany, So I'm not so worried about that. But, I'll be there for 9 days. What are your traveling makeup/beauty/toiletry essentials? I need help, this is my first time traveling alone with my 16 year old sister. Normally mum packs things for me hahahah! :]

May 15, 2013

Ashley D.

Dry shampoo, a book, money, and extra clothes.

May 15, 2013

Rachel C.

Chapstick, lotion, essentials for your daily hair routine as well as makeup routine. I wouldn't bring any extra unless you plan on going out...then maybe bring whatever you need to "sexy" up your look some. Good walking shoes. something warm, just in case. Phone and mp3 player/iPod.

May 15, 2013

Vanessa W.

Lotion, concealer (juust in case!), lip balm, compact mirror or iphone cam, and a comfy outfit! Have fun on your trip xx

May 16, 2013

Noelle K.

Tinted moisturizer, tinted lip balm, and a cream blush you you can apply it easily without a brush. Also, some makeup removing wipes and travel size shampoo/conditioner. Have fun in England!

Jun 11, 2013

Aley A.

