What Age Did You Start Wearing Make Up?


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May 15, 2013

Leah S.

I was allowed to wear eyeliner and mascara when I went into high school and I just started wearing everything else about a week ago when I turned 16(: I have a job now just for my makeup and skin products since I use expensive ones but its worth it (:

May 15, 2013

Tracy S.

I wasn't allowed but started at 12 and was officially allowed at 13

May 15, 2013

Summer K.

Well for cheer the coaches put glitter eyeshadow blue mascara and lipgloss for compititions at 10 years lol but I didnt wear it daily till I was 12 lol

May 15, 2013

Anette A.

GIRL , let me tell you it wasn't easy for me.
Mom never approved so it started off bumpy but then after wearing it more often she then accepted it in 8th grade , and now being in 10th she even buys me new makeup to try out. (x

May 15, 2013

Lakeisha B.

I was 11 when I used it for the first time to school everyday ;)  xx

May 15, 2013

Melissa C.

I started using it when I was like 13. I'm now 15 and I still not use that much make up. I just use blush and lip balm and sometimes pressed powder.

May 15, 2013

Alexandra G.

I started when I was 15. I wasn't allowed to wear eyeliner. When I was 16, I started using eyeliner, lipsticks, etc. Now I'm turning 17 in a few months and my mom even buys me high end makeups some other time. But she still doesn't approve red lipsticks, I just wear them when she's not around :p.

May 15, 2013

Emily W.

I started at age 18 as a senior in high school. I never understood why children would want to wear makeup, and what kind of parents would allow that. Outside of glittery lipgloss, girls under the age of fifteen or sixteen shouldn't be wearing makeup! Enjoy your youth! You don't need makeup and it is just one more thing to worry about.

May 15, 2013

Moni K.

Lmao I'm 16 and I still don't wear makeup. I only wear it when I have time in the morning and I'm lazy so I mainly wear it on the weekends. When I do wear it though I only wear mascara, eye liner, and lip balm.