Having Trouble With Eye Makeup...


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May 12, 2013


Recently I've noticed that when I do my eye ill get all finished but then my eyes will start to water and I have to keep dabbing at them to dry them but then it will take off the make up so then I have to re-apply it then dab, re-apply, dab over and over, maybe my eyes are irritated by the make up or somethin, I don't know, they don't itch or nothing, they just won't stop watering! lol.

May 12, 2013

Zahra C.

I am sorry that I can't be of help but the same thing happens to me and I have noooo idea why.

May 12, 2013

Anastacia A.

Do you wear eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow? Try doing your eye makeup without one product each day and see if your eyes still water. Example: one day wear mascara and eyeshadow only and then next try just eyeshadow and eyeliner...see if one of those products is irritating.

May 12, 2013

Vanessa W.

Maybe some of the products are irritating your eyes? Get waterproof eyeliners and avoid waterline or lower lashline shadows.

May 13, 2013

Robyn S.

Your eyes are probably irritated by something you're wearing. I agree with what the other girls said, try removing one product at a time and see what happens.