What's With All The Hate?


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May 13, 2013

Ellyn F.

I'm still fairly new here and am in love with coming here for beautiful make up and creative ideas. that being said it really makes me sad when I see such rude comments on peoples pictures and threads. everyone has different ideas on what beauty is and I don't understand why being so blatantly rude is necessary. if you don't like a picure or what someone has to say why do we have to be so mean? we should be applauding our differences and trying to see beauty outside of ourselves. even if you don't like something and feel the need to comment maybe we can just find a nicer way to say that. it just really bums me out when I feel like people are just trying to tear each other down. I think you are all beautiful and just want you all to know that <3.

May 13, 2013

Kris B.

I second that! Well said! Thank you :)

May 13, 2013

Heather C.

I've thought of taking a nice and long break from the app for that exact reason. A lot of ladies are still fairly young on here and maturing. (Some! Not all.)

May 13, 2013

Ellyn F.

I just had another thought lol...if you ask for peoples opinions you need to be prepared for honesty. just because someone isn't a fan of a particular look isn't a good reason to attack them.

May 13, 2013

Becky G.

I agree well said, I am.also new and took me a while to post my first post because of the rude comments I've seen.

May 13, 2013

Taylor G.

Agree. :)

May 13, 2013

Kate R.

I couldn't agree more people need to be boosted up not torn down. I understand if its constructive criticism but it can be phrased in a kinder way. We should be trying to help encourage and help each other :)

May 13, 2013

Jessica T.

Well said

May 13, 2013

Sevetria M.

I think it had a lot to do with the age of some of the member's. Beauty has no rules, no boundaries. We are entitled to our own opinions and have our own preferences. We still need to be respectful of others. If criticism is given it should be constructive only. I enjoy seeing the different looks, tips and suggestions.

May 13, 2013

Lauren B.

Thumbs up!

May 13, 2013

Tara G.

I have only seen maybe one comment that was out of line. I think most if the women on here are looking for acceptance missed with honesty. I hope it all stays positive around here I love this community of women. We should try to encourage the young ones not to judge. Thanks for posting this Ellyn.

May 13, 2013

Chua M.


May 13, 2013

Marina C.

I agree with becky g. took me forever to post. when I did I regretted it right away...

May 13, 2013

Ellyn F.

You're welcome for the post :) I'm glad to read the positivity and I hope you're all having a beautiful day.

May 13, 2013

Alma M.

Respect is the key, Unfortunately their are some bad apples, but I can say if you happen to see anything like that and reported to Beautylish they are prompted to take care of it right away :-) also If the positive out come out shines the bad then they will see it and hopefully stop such harshness.I think criticism or I would say a hint of help can Benefit a person if done the right way.  :-)

May 13, 2013

Ireland H.


May 13, 2013

Toribeth T.

While nobody has said anything rude to me personally I have seen some very nasty comments left on other peoples pictures and threads. I really don't understand why some people think its ok to do this. Another thing that gets to me is when someone 10 years younger than me feels the need to tell me I am applying whatever in the wrong way. But I would say most of the people who use this site are very helpful and nice.

May 13, 2013

Tiffany T.

I have only been on here a week and have not seen any bad comments yet...

May 13, 2013

Elaine R.

The classic saying, " if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." Keep it movin!

May 14, 2013

Ellyn F.

I do feel that for the most part everyone is really respectful but every so often I see comments that I just don't understand. true beauty comes from within and the way you treat others :)

May 14, 2013

Jenna H.

Agree that has happens to me 2 one girl said they should ban me form the site!!:(

May 14, 2013

Genessa S.

Beauty always starts from within. Jennifer Lopez said a really nice quote- Beauty is only skin deep. I think what`s really important is finding a balance of mind, body and spirit. Somebody said to me not too long ago, `Until you`re twenty, you have the face you are born with, and after that you have the face you deserve.`

This is a great subject to post Ellyn, right out in the open for anyone to comment on. I wasn't coming here much because of my work hours, but they've just changed so I'm coming back more. I've never had someone give me a negative comment and most of the people here are really nice. I have seen a few on other's photos and it's a real disappointment. The age range here is pretty wide and they're a lot of teens who need to learn manners and how to respect other's feelings. Most of them do but there's always a few in the crowd who like to stir things up. I saw another gal post this and I couldn't agree more, "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all." True beauty starts on the inside and radiates out, I think everyone here is beautiful in some way. A little bit of kindness goes a long way. Love the photo Ellyn, it matches the subject perfectly.

May 15, 2013

Pixie M.

There's a difference between honesty and being rude. When someone is being honest, she's actually trying to help and hope that you don't do things that's not complimentary to your looks. Being rude is picking on ppl and say very nasty things. I've not cane across and rude remarks but I've seen many false encouraging comments on an unflattering look or style just because ppl don't want to get misunderstood of being rude.