Could a bb cream contribute to acne?


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May 12, 2013

Jayden L.

I have gross, mostly genetic-based acne. I'm the person who does exactly what they're supposed to for a skincare regime, and if I skip one thing once I get a truckload of new pimples on my face. I know regular face makeup can obviously make acne worse, but a couple months ago I switched over to the Missha bb cream (which I adore). They always talk about how good a bb cream is for skin, so I never thought that maybe if I stopped wearing it my acne might clear a little. My question is as above - could a bb cream really contribute to acne?

May 12, 2013

Hannah B.

Sadly yes. It has moisture which contributes to acne just like any other moisturizer it replenishes oil and could cause more acne...I know how you feel!

May 12, 2013

Poonam M. cream made it worse for me.

May 12, 2013

T T.

BB cream is just like foundation with much more chemicals. I don't really believe its claims on making skin better. I guess you could say BB cream is easier to absorb than foundation but yes it definitely can lead to skin outbreaks.

May 12, 2013

Tina P.


May 12, 2013

Sharon A.

My dermatologist told me that if BB cream would hinder my acne healing, so I switched over to a foundation. I think the main benefit of a BB cream would be its moisturizing properties, so unless you've really dry skin, it's not recommended.

May 12, 2013

Jayden L.

Well crap. I bought missha to COVER my acne... Not contribute to it.