My sister needs YOUR help.


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May 12, 2013

Sarah M.

She doesn't like her face. Any tips for her or her hair? She thinks its a bit round and I don't know how to help her.

May 12, 2013

Sarah M.

She wants me to tell you guys she HATES the roundness and the shape and basically everything. And she doesn't want any sentimental crap

May 12, 2013

Maddie L.

Contouring? Gives a face more shape? She doesn't need to though :)

May 12, 2013

Sarah M.

She asks: what about my eyes? They look funny

May 12, 2013

Maddie L.

They don't at all, they look normal :) she's very pretty:)

May 12, 2013

Sarah M.

Message: Thank you :)

May 12, 2013

Maddie L.

If she's that bothered at colour into the crease? A soft brown, will give it more definition :)

May 12, 2013

Sarah M.

Okay I'll tell her, she doesn't contour at all at the moment

May 12, 2013

Maddie L.

It's very easy :)

May 12, 2013

Katarina M.

She looks just like you! :] How old is she? Her face honestly looks fine, the bangs make it look less round. For eyes maybe just mascara and a light eyeshadow it she wants. Then a pinky/natural blush and lipgloss.

May 12, 2013

Sarah M.

She's 12. And yes. All of my sisters look similar to me...

May 12, 2013

Maddie L.

She's too young to be wearing a lot of make up, I agree with what katarina said :)

May 12, 2013

Sarah M.

@Katarina she wants to know "so you don't think my face is that round? And needs contouring?

May 12, 2013

Sarah M.

I personally think she needs something to frame her face

May 12, 2013

Maddie L.

Blush, mascara and some lipgloss :)

May 12, 2013

Katarina M.

Her brows and hairstyle is what really frames her face, so I don't think she needs contouring. If you think she needs more to frame her face than maybe get layers so they fall around her face. I think she looks pretty good. :] And I agree, she shouldn't wear so much makeup. Contouring is a more advanced technique in my opinion.

May 12, 2013

Maddie L.

By contouring I only meant under the cheekbones as it will give her face slightly more shape even though she doesn't even need it:) she shouldn't be worried about the shape of her face :) she's pretty :(

May 12, 2013

Maddie L.


May 12, 2013

Katarina M.

Yes! :] What Maddie said xD.

May 12, 2013

Lizzy M.

For a round face you want to add angles - very 'pin-up' eyebrow, a layered hairstyle, and contouring. I know you said no sentimental crap, but: at the end of the day your face shape is your face shape. It's pointless to spend your time hating something you can't change. Having a round face is not a bad thing and does not automatically make you 'ugly.'

May 12, 2013

Sarah M.

Haha thanks I will tell her.

May 12, 2013

Sarah M.

@lizzy thanks for the advice

May 12, 2013

Tal M.

She is so pretty! I think that her bangs frame her face enough, and she's a bit to young to cake her face with makeup.. I would do what Katrina said.. Good luck!

May 12, 2013

Sarah M.

@Tal I will tell her that. Thanks

May 12, 2013

Liv F.

She doesn't need to do anything, but if she feels she does then contour and highlight the cheek bones, and maybe a bit of a natural smokey eye?! She might be a bit young though!! She is really pretty though, and I'm sure will look beautiful in whatever she wears!