Home Highlights? How To.


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May 6, 2013

Jessica T.

I am pretty sure I want to do highlights (blonde or brown, not sure). I want to do them at home...how hard? Tips? Supplies needed?

May 6, 2013

Sam A.

I bought an at home kit from revlon. I did it twice so far and each time it turned out amazing. When you use the cap in the box you might need someone to help you to pull the hair through the holes but after that you can dye it yourself. The only time consuming thing would be pulling your hair through the cap, after that the color changes pretty fast.

May 6, 2013

Vielka R.

Yes I used the revlon frost and glow and it worked well. The only thing I should have done different is leave it on for the full 60 mins like the box said, I only left it on for 30 mins...here's a pic after I had it for a couple months

May 6, 2013

Jessica T.

I like how its not as bold as blonde blonde.

May 6, 2013

Sam A.

Yes it looks really bright when you do it but as soon as you wash it out its not so light.

May 6, 2013

Kimi R.

Be very careful in making that decision Jessica! It is not easy to lift dark especially asian hair in one process. It will brass out or orange out on you quick. And there is a technique you must use to get an even lift. Ohh my that makes me very nervous for you. Maybe you should either get professional help or watch some credible how to's online.
Not easy and could damage your beautiful hair.
Yes!! Proceed with CAUTION!!

May 7, 2013

Satvir K.

Agree with Kim, I have seen lots of brassy disasters..,

May 8, 2013

Crystal S.

I am hairstylist of 8 years and I recommend going to a professional. Not many at home hi lights turn out positive. You can either pull red gold or yellow or damage your hair. I see a lot of corrective colors come in after an at home color and is usually a long and expensive fix. Your better off going to salon and spending the money once then over several visits to fix an at home hi light.

Jessica T.

Arkansas, United States