What To Wear With This.??


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May 7, 2013

Lana M.

I have a field trip to the senate and I'm wearing this skirt, but I have no idea what shirt to wear with it. Preferably something comfortable because we're going to the mall afterwards, but still formal because we have to dress appropriate. Ideas.??

May 7, 2013

Alex N.

Maybe a simple black blouse that is airy and comfortable but formal. If too dull for you, you could alway brighten it up with accessories that go along with the colors in the skirt. For shoes maybe some comfortable flats or sandals maybe in black or of one or two colors in the skirt. Hopes it helps a little! have fun on the trip! :)

May 7, 2013

Natalie T.

Match your top to one of the colors in the skirt.. I can't see the colors too clearly but it looks like you've got some navy blue, maybe purple, coral, yellow, and light blue, and white/cream... pick a top that's one of those colors =)

May 7, 2013

Ryann G.

Or a white t tucked in with a necklace that matches one of the colors in the skirt.

May 7, 2013

Breanna B.

Chiffon blouse!

May 8, 2013

Gracie H.

Simple white shirt even a white v neck.