At what age should a girl start shaving her legs?


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May 7, 2013

Anna T.

At a age where you are comfortable with it. I was about 13 cause they were not noticeable but I have heard of a 7 year old who does.

May 7, 2013

Megan B.

I started when I was almost 11 because my hair is really thick.

May 7, 2013

Sarah Z.

I'm 12 and I already started.

May 7, 2013

Laura-ines W.

I started when I was 12, my mum wasnt keen on me starting before then and even then! Maybe say you'll use cream or wax, which is better for your skin. I know that my mum wasnt too happy when I started, but they soon get over it - they're your legs! Good luck :) x

May 7, 2013

Sadie T.

Just shave them!! That's what I did and when my mom found out she didn't care, it's not like its a big deal really, you're 13 and shaving is definitely something that a 13 year old should be able to do now. Tell her you're not a little girl anymore and you wanna wear shorts without hairy legs!

May 7, 2013

Kristen H.

I started when I was in second grade

May 8, 2013

Gigi M.

It really matters on how fast your leg hairs grow. I'm only 10 and I have very hairy legs, but you shouldn't start until you're about 11-13 years old.

May 8, 2013

Katya H.

I'm 12 and all my friends shave their legs.

May 8, 2013

Iryna S.

I've never shaved them, only waxed them, and probably been doing it since I was 12-13.

May 8, 2013

Renee V.

Try silky mits, it exfoliates the leg hair away c:

May 8, 2013

Roz X.

Renee... great solution!

May 8, 2013

Em C.

Renee thats perfect,, what I did before I started :)

May 8, 2013

Lena B.

Just shave em anyway

May 8, 2013

Mattie J.


May 9, 2013

Lizzy M.

I started at 11 or 12..I have fair skin and dark hair so I felt self conscious about it.

Honestlt, why does ir have to be such a big deal? Why do they care if you have to shave every night (which you won't have to, btw)? It's your body and you're the one who will be doing the shaving. Tell them that you're not trying to grow up too fast, you just don't like hairy legs! If they still say no, ask them when you will be allowed to do it. In between then and now just show them how mature you can be. I wouldn't do it behind their backs because if they can't trust you on the little things, they may not trust you with bigger things.

Jan 23, 2014

Levi B.

I'm 10 almost 11 but I have very thick black leg hair and I asked both parents and they said no and my dad said if I keep talking about it I will be on punishment.