At what age should a girl start shaving her legs?


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May 6, 2013

Ellie S.


May 6, 2013

Ellie S.

So at what age would you guys say a girl should start shaving her legs?

May 6, 2013

Victoria L.

I think like at 12

May 6, 2013

Julia P.

I think 12

May 6, 2013

Julie G.

Yeah I started when I was 11.. Almost 12. Basically when my hair was noticeable I shaved it.

May 6, 2013

Erin M.

Personal choice really.

May 6, 2013

Ellie S.

You see I'm 13 and I'm starting to notice my legs are getting quite hairy but my mum won't let me shave, what do I do?!

May 6, 2013

Julie G.

My mom wouldn't either.. Then I told my dad and he helped.. She should let you if the hairs long enough.

May 6, 2013

Giavanna D.

I shaved my legs and my mom didnt know. when she found out she didnt really care. it all depends on preference.

May 6, 2013

Victoria L.

You can dye your legs with some peroxide (:

May 6, 2013

Victoria L.

I think

May 6, 2013

Ellie S.

I asked my dad but he doesn't think I should either even after I said my friends do, what do I do?!?!

May 6, 2013

Sarah M.


May 6, 2013

Kaitlyn B.

My sister hit puburty early too so she shaved at nine. me it was about eleven.

May 6, 2013

Amber B.

Well I don't like to shave (scared lol) so I use nair, and I've used that since 11 and it works 4 me :)

May 6, 2013

Erin M.

Well saying your friends do as a bad way to go a out. Explain why YOU want to. I'm very hairy and always have been, I felt insecure about my and and legs when I was younger. It was my mom that encouraged me to shave when I was 10 or 11 because I didn't like my legs at all and I would never wear dresses or skirts. Explaining your reasoning why you want to in an adult manner. Parents look down on the 'because my friends do it' logic as that isn't saying anything about you except that you follow what your friends do.

May 6, 2013

Maria D.

I started when I was 10 but 11 or 12.. Why not shave?? I never understood they with some parents my parent were totally fine with it.. :p.

May 6, 2013

Erin M.

Oh, asking I use Nair is a good option to. I can't cause it burns off mah skin after a few seconds (I am super sensitive for some reason to just nair -_-$

May 6, 2013

Morgan A.

I started when I was 11.

May 6, 2013

Aimee L.

Personal choice

May 6, 2013

Julie G.

Veet is way better then nair! But I personally hate the smell of veet. But it does work so much better..

May 6, 2013

Ellie S.

My parents are telling me that if I start shaving then I'll have to do it everyday and it'll grow back and all that stuff. I know that, that's why I want to start shaving, so I'll continue shaving. What do I say now?

May 6, 2013

Hanna L.

11 or 12

May 6, 2013

Julie G.

Say that you already know that, and it won't be everyday. Settle to something like once or twice a week.

May 6, 2013

Erin M.

Tell them you're aware. And that you don't have to shave everyday, maybe twice a week or so depending on your hair growth. But it is your body honesty. Tell then to let you try for a month so they can see how it goes. Though in my personal opinion it's your body, your choice. If not shaving makes you feel uncomfortable and uncertain about yourself I think that's more of a problem then anything else, I wouldn't want my kid feeling that way.