Any Suggestions On How To Find This Box Hair Color?!!


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May 6, 2013

Whitney W.

Obviously w/o friend who is a hair dresser gave me this BEAUTIFUL coppery reddish brown and I can't seem to find a box color to help recreate my old summer hair! I know it's a long shot- but any suggestions on what OTC hair color to get to get this color or pretty similar results??! Thank you :)

May 6, 2013

Sherry H.

Why don't you ask your friend what brand of hair dye it is?

May 6, 2013

Whitney W.

I went to the salon where she worked. I moved two hours away and she doesn't work there anymore nor do I have the cash to shell out for a professional color :(

May 6, 2013

Jocelyn T.

Sometimes what hairdressers do is that they make a personal color just for you so you won't be able to find it in the stores and you'll have to go back to them to get your hair redone lol but maybe go to another salon just to have a consult and maybe they could tell you a color that is close to that ☺

May 6, 2013

Jada M.

Don't use box won't recreate the look you want..the developer to the color is so different..if your friend is a stylist just go back to her. Or jcp salons have coupons too now 50$ color cut..just stay away from the box...inform your stylist your money situation and she/he may find a lower maintenance/upkeep look for ya:)