The secret to great nail art.


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Apr 28, 2013

Nada A.

How do all you amazing nail artists get your other hand to look the same? I write with my right hand and would expect that to affect how my right hand's nails would look like. So what's the secret?

Apr 28, 2013

Nicole M.

Slow and careful also wait for one hand to dry before doing the next.

Apr 28, 2013

Lydia F.

I try to move my nail instead of the brush, this gives you more control. Also use other objects like plasters, I did these with plasters.

Apr 28, 2013

Cassidy L.

I have learned to write with both of my hands equally, so I really don't know. I have good control in both of my hands. Sorry :/ It'll just take patience

Apr 28, 2013

Laura R.

practice practice practice

Apr 28, 2013

Sarah T.

Patience practice and a steady hand

Apr 28, 2013

Fer M.

Stady hands I think.

Apr 28, 2013

Fer M.

*steady.. sorry

Apr 28, 2013

Ciorana R.

In my experience only practice lead to perfection.

Apr 28, 2013

Nicole F.

Practice and slow and deliberate technique, but mostly practice.

Apr 28, 2013

Audrey O.

There's a way to "cheat". 'news paper nails' find clippings for images or words. I used a white base, you can use light grey, and then once that's dry, dip your finger in rubbing alcohol then place your image/words on nail and lightly rub in on. I took a qtip and dipped it in the rubbing alcohol and went over my nail with it.

Apr 28, 2013

Audrey O.


Apr 29, 2013

Sonya R.

Use stones and other 3d art till you are steady enough.

Apr 29, 2013

Sonya R.

last set

Apr 29, 2013

Cole M.

Practice, practice, practice. That's it!!

Apr 29, 2013

Indra B.

With a title like that, I thought you were about to give us the secret! I'm not much of a nail artist yet, but it's all in practice.

Apr 29, 2013

Chiquita R.

I do my right hand first because is more hard for me to do n than I do my easy hand that way I can do it just like the right but yes practice makes it best