Scared about contacts


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Apr 27, 2013

Amy H.

I want to get contacts many people tell me I look better with glasses but I don't think so :/ I thought about contacts but I'm scared. I heard so many things like parasites eating your eye, infections that can cause blindness and the contact cutting your eye. I don't know what to do or which ones to get. Help!

Apr 27, 2013

Eva K.

Nah it's all good so long as you don't leave them in all night:) x

Apr 27, 2013

Tammy L.

I have contacts for 3 years now and I have no problems , first it was difficult to put them in but Thats all :)

Apr 27, 2013

Kelsey M.

No contacts are great! I was scared about getting them at first too, they took a little time to get used to but I love mine! Just talk to your eye doctor about it and always make sure you have a backup pair of glasses with your updated prescription just incase you need them and can't wear your contacts or you just don't feel like wearing them :)

Apr 27, 2013

Kaley B.

Don't be scared! Get the disposable ones that you use for one day and then throw away. With those you don't have to worry about keeping them clean and all of that crazy stuff. At first it will be really uncomfortable and annoying, but after a few days it will be fine! Good luck!! :)

Apr 27, 2013

Amy H.

Thanks so much guys! I'm not so scared anymore :)

Apr 27, 2013

Hannah O.

What ever you do, do not stare at anything that could burn you. Staring at it could melt your contact into your eye. So don't stare at fires, inside an oven or any other thing that could potentially hurt you. My uncle did that & now he's is blind. But why would you stare at a fire in the first place?

Apr 27, 2013

Hannah O.

That's like the only precaution.

Apr 27, 2013

Madelyn F.

I have contacts and my eyes are fine. I have very dry eyes though, so if you don't keep your eyes lubricated then you can get eye ulsars like me! Trust me, they aren't any fun. You just have to take care of your eyes.

Apr 28, 2013

Amy H.

I heard that contacts melting in your eye is a myth lol anyone els know anything about contacts melting?

Apr 28, 2013

Amy H.

Madelyn did the ulsar effect your vision I'm scared because things like that can cause blindness or even loss of an eye. I'm sorry if I sound paranoid x(

Apr 28, 2013

Cristina D.

You just have to keep everything clean and whenever you feel something wrong go to your doctor! Contacts won't melt on your eye but make sure to keep your eyes hydrated

Apr 28, 2013

Mackenzie G.

That's all myths! You're going to be fine if you get them! I got these special ones you can leave in for a week without it hurting your eye and I like them wayyyy more than the take out every night ones.

Apr 28, 2013

Robyn S.

Yeah all that stuff is kinda bull. The only thing you need to watch is to not get makeup on the contacts and you're fine. If you want ones you can wear at night and during the day, you should consider Air Optix Day and Night. I personally use Acuve Oasys and I can't even feel them most of the time. They're tricky to put in at first but I love them. :)

Apr 28, 2013

Beauty P.

Noo ther great! I've been wearing contacts for eight years now! and I havnt had a jux really need to maintain them clean cuz then your eyes will get infected! I've been wanting to do laser eye surgury to not deal with contacts or glasses but I'm scare! I dnt think I wuld ever do that in my life lol!!