Help!! Need Some Advise!!


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Apr 25, 2013

Riley W.

Okay so I'm going to my brothers deb tomorrow night and I've got a few pimples and blackheads ect and wanted to know a quick way to get rid of them (mostly pimples). Also I have short have and I'm going to the hairdresses to get it styled but not sure how because I usually have it curled when I go out or straight hair when I go to school and I wanted something different. Any tips about hair or pimples or even makeup?
This is my hair... (I'm the one with the short hair btw)

Apr 25, 2013

Dominique J.

Honey works as an amazing facial mask!
So put some all over your face especially the problem areas. Wait 30-45 minutes, and then use water to take it off. In a couple of hours your skin will feel great!
I hope I could help, and remember that you are beautiful on the inside and out!

Apr 25, 2013

Riley W.

Thankyou so much Dominuque J!!:)x