How Do I Get Rid Of My Mustache? Affordable Products.


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Apr 26, 2013

Marelsy P.

We all have problems with mustache hair... but what did do to het rid of it?

Apr 26, 2013

Sherry H.


Apr 26, 2013

Sherry H.


Apr 26, 2013

Clara R.

Buy facial hair removal. You can get it Walgreens Walmart or any drugstore. And the price is reasonable too.

Apr 26, 2013

Marelsy P.

What is the product called?

Apr 26, 2013

Nouchka A.

Just go to a store like Rite Aid or CVS and find any upper lip shaving products. They're not that expensive! (:

Apr 26, 2013

Vanessa C.

I use AVON's Skin So Soft Fresh and Smooth Facial Hair removial Hair. Apply some for 5 to 8 mins then wipe it off and baaam ALL gone. I do it twice a week or once a week. ill post a pick if you wanna see.

Apr 26, 2013

Marelsy P.

I wanna see a pic.

Apr 26, 2013

Clara R.

The,one I bought at Walgreens is called sally Hannsen creme hair remover and it works well for me =)

Apr 26, 2013

Marelsy P.

When you guys use the cremes does it grow nack blacker?

Apr 26, 2013

Lucy V.

I wax and pluck.

Apr 26, 2013

Clara R.

No my hairs actually are growing back slower I put the hair remover once every two weeks.

Apr 26, 2013

Marelsy P.

Have anyone experienced DARKER HAIR growing afterwards?

Apr 26, 2013

Vanessa C.

This is it and its only $6.

Apr 26, 2013

Vanessa C.

It grows a little bit thicker. I used to pluck but fuuucckkk it hurts a lot. but then I started using this cream and it makes my life waaaay easier and it doesn't leave my upper lip red.

Apr 26, 2013

Marelsy P.

thanks :)

Apr 26, 2013

Vanessa C.

It really does grow longer and thicker. have you checked your leg hairs?? their more noticable than before.

Apr 26, 2013

Tegan W.

I wax mine with a jit from veet its a myth hair doesn't grow back thicker and darker it appears that way because the hair isnt in a point its got more of a flat surface (thats if you shave) if you wax its darker because the sun hasnt lightend it yet buty the natural hair doesn't get any darker it stays the natural colour until the sun lightens it.

Apr 26, 2013

Courtney K.

Sally Hanson! Amazing remover for sensitive skin (:

Apr 26, 2013

Vivie P.

Bleach it. it's painless.

Apr 26, 2013

Bsuia S.

Don't wax it cause
It will come back even worse just bleach it so you can't see it

Apr 26, 2013

Bsuia S.

Or don't pluck it, it will fall off when it wants.

Apr 26, 2013

Jessica D.

Waxing does not make it come back worse. If anything, it will come back less and less, to where you might not have to do it at all, or every couple of months.

Also, you won't see it, bc it won't be there. People will still be able to see your now-lightly colored mustache should you bleach it.

Wax it or hair remover cream. :)

Apr 26, 2013

Cailyn T.

I use the Sally Hansen wax strips.

Apr 26, 2013

Marelsy P.

Bleaching is a good idea... will it appear blonde on olive skin tone?