My First Glam Bag!!


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May 10, 2013

Natalie T.

I love having an Ipsy subscription! I've had it since January and I'm a happy subscriber for the most part. I haven't really liked any of the color choices of the products over the past 2 months, so I've been bummed out about that because the products they chose were great! And my bag has been coming later and later in the month each time... the first time it came about half way through the month and each time after its arrived closer to the end =/

May 10, 2013

Sarah J.

I hope they start sending them to the UK. We have some great subscription boxes but none that have a free makeup bag with the products. x

May 10, 2013

Emma E.

What are they in the UK!? I'm going to have to check this out! :)

May 10, 2013

Amber K.

Ok ladies I received my first glam bag today and I am very pleased!!

May 10, 2013

Sarah J.

@Amber K I would be too :) What an awesome first bag!!.!@Emma E We have glossybox :) which I love! Birchwood box! and a few others. Wish we had ones that offered a makeup bag but the glossyboxes are cute and are great to hold make up and odds and ends in :) x

May 10, 2013

Iqra H.

I Been hearing so much about this boxes n bags. I want to subscribe to one but they all seem onli for USA. any one know any sites that do It for us Brits?

May 10, 2013

Iqra H.

Oh thankz Sarah!! ill check em out too lol

May 13, 2013

Sarah J.

You are welcome :) x