Dark Knees And Elbows.


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Apr 29, 2013

Troosha R.

Help is wanted... how to get rid dark knees and elbows... thev gone really dark no offence but black. I have tried lemon.. lemon and sugar scrub... olive oil... bio oil... help :)

Apr 29, 2013

Vanessa P.

You can get aha peels. If you go to a beauty salon, that do facials and face peels with lactic acid. You can get the same treatment done on your elbows and knees, and it lightens up dark skin, and is the best exfoliate (I am a beauty therapist and we do a lot of these)

Apr 29, 2013

Lizzy M.

Exfoliate regularly and use Palmer's cocoa butter :)

Apr 29, 2013

Jazzy M.

I have the same problem lol, it's really hard to get rid of the best you can do is lighten with natural remedies or go for skin lightening cream for you elbows and knees. Which will lighten it- so blends more naturally with your skin. But to be honest all methods are gradule and there's no immediate treatment (non surgical anyways) but either or love the skin your in <3.

Apr 29, 2013

Troosha R.

I have sensitive skin to mention too :(