Facial redness!! help!


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May 23, 2013

Chasody R.

I have a REALLY red face. I bought some eye drops & I put it all over my face. it shouls say on the bottel that it will take the red out of your eyes, well it does the same with your skin! ita worth a try :)

May 23, 2013

Anya W.

I agree with Chasody...I get extremely red from similar stuff as you and even when moisterize or use face wash...

May 23, 2013

Anya W.

Visine is good...

May 23, 2013

Nora B.

1) Wear sunscreen 2) avoid water to wash your face (try any kind of micellar water for sensitive skin) 3) try a mild, perfume-free moisturizer!! I'm using Cerave AM, it's SPF 30 and it does a great job at protecting my skin 4) if your cheeks are red and painful, you can try Aquaphor or Egyptian Magic for nighttime. I hope it helps!

May 23, 2013

Hye mi S.

I have the same problem expect it's on my nose it's so annoying =_=

May 23, 2013

Bella S.

Skinceuticals redness relief drops

May 23, 2013

Chasody R.

I do it everyday before I put my makeup on :) it works good with my acne cause it takes the redness out of them :(

May 23, 2013

Chasody R.


I make my own niacin skin serum, and I use sunblock all the time. I discovered that tanning made my rosacea and face discoloration much worse than protecting it does. My face was just too sensitive and reacted horribly to the point of semipermanent strawberry/Rudolph nose for a few months. I stopped tanning and I also use a green based primer to counter the redness.Also, antibiotic treatment (which is used for rosacea) is contraindicated for anyone who uses a tanning bed.