Hair relaxer/chemical straightener suggestions.


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May 25, 2013

Andrea M.

Hey every one! My boss told me the other day he wants me to straighten his hair for him using a relaxer or chemical straightener. I took 2 years of cosmetology and got my license but never went into the industry, so I am qualified to do this procedure. I was wondering what a good product was that would straighten his hair for him without harming the hair.
His hair is more wirey than curly or anything like that. The first thing I said to him was "you shoułd get a keratin treatment done, that should make your hair super soft and more smooth." Instantly he said he's already tried that and it worked for 5 days then his hair went right back to how it was before.
I want to know what products you ladies use either in your salon or if you do your friends hair at home then at your house. This is a question for professional hair stylists ONLY PLEASE!! I don't want any product sold at Sally's or anything with a lot of ammonia in it either. If there is anything else you want to ask in order to suggest a decent product please don't hesitate, ask away!! I appreciate everything.


May 25, 2013

Kaitlin S.

Hair relaxers are meant for African American hair only. I know you didn't state that, but just in case lol.

May 25, 2013

Shelley W.

Hmmmm...Kaitlin...relaxers aren't exclusively for African American's. I have a few friends who are white that use relaxers. Hair products are universal to ALL people. Sorry Andrea but I needed to correct her on that misconception.

May 25, 2013

Andrea M.

We have the same name! Ahhh

May 28, 2013

Andrea M.

Is one better than the other..? Also, has anyone worked with either??