Help! what should I get!


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May 22, 2013

Ashleigh K.

I have all of those things.. personally I would get naked 2 over the basics at it has more variety and better colours :) I personally hated my beauty blender, I didn't think it worked better than any other sponge!

May 22, 2013

Melissa K.

You're so unbelievably gorgeous already so it's hard to tell what you would need! I went into sephora yesterday though and discovered the tarte bb creams and they are incredible! Definitely check those out and another sephora favorite of mine is urban decay eyeliners. If you already have the urban decay naked 1 palette it might be a bit pricey to have both in my opinion but if there's nothing else you really need then I say go for it! I have the naked 2 palette and love it!

May 22, 2013

Erin S.

Skip the other naked palattes one is good enough trust me! maybe go for a new perfume or nail polish. I also reccommend the too faced eyeshadow palattes and the urban decay primer potion. a curling wand is on my wishlist!

May 22, 2013

Tasha P.

Brittney R. where'd you get your top? its gorgeous :)