Best Makeup Removal?


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May 30, 2013

Claire K.

Which is the best product to remove makeup with? would it be makeup wipes, cleanser & cotton wool or makeup remover and cotton wool? I've always used makeup wipes but my friend told me she uses cleanser because makeup wipes just move the makeup around the skin they don't get rid of it? please help me out :)

May 30, 2013

Alexis B.

Vaseline :-) just a little bit works for me.

May 30, 2013

Marta M.

Wipes can be harsh on the skin, specially sensitive skin... I'd leave wipes for 'emergencies'. I prefer using cleasenrs that require rinsing of with water. Currently LOVING the Michael Todd line!

May 30, 2013

Carly S.

Neutrogena in a blue bottle, gets rid of waterproof makeup as well.

May 31, 2013

Becca L.

I also use baby wipes to remove my face makeup! But I use coconut oil to remove my eye makeup. From my experience you should wash your face after removing your makeup. Sometimes after I remove my makeup and wash my face I still find makeup left over when I use my toner. I like to make sure everything is off when I go to sleep!

May 31, 2013

Vanessa M.

Bioderma works amazing! Just use the smallest amount on a cotton pad and it cleans off so much makeup a cleanser could miss. I live in Canada, and shoppers carries it, and I'm not sure about the states, but I know you can find it at certain places there. It's about 20$ but lasts for forever!
I've had mine for four months and I'm not even a third through the bottle

May 31, 2013

Kierra W.

Baby oil on a cotton swab or even cocunut oil (look up beauty uses for cocunut oil)