Hair Problems! Advice


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May 31, 2013

Hailey B.

Every time I get out of the shower it seems like I pull globs and globs of hair out! It drives me crazy. How can I prevent it?

May 31, 2013

Emily C.

If you brush your hair in the shower, or while wet it causes the hair to break and pull out because its in a weakened state. Brush wet hair with a wide tooth comb instead :) I switched a while ago and it's helped!

May 31, 2013

Chasilynn S.

If you wear your hair up in a bun or high pony tail a lot, your hair tends to come out a lot! I have this same problem

May 31, 2013

Ivonne B.

Try changing your shampoo and conditioner I had the same problem I was using a keratin effused product and it was causing my hair to fall out:/