Make Someone's Day!! Get A Compliment.


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May 30, 2013

Shantele V.

@sophie m. your smile :)

May 30, 2013

Kirsten M.

Awe thanks ladies:) you all are too sweet ☺

May 30, 2013

Rens I.

Daaaaaw thanks for making my day, all of you guys are gorgeous❤❤❤

May 30, 2013

Kelia O.

Shantele; I loveeeee your makeup
Sophie; your stunning! Naturally beautiful
Kirsten; you have really nice, defined lips!

Meeee (sorry it's so posey haha)

May 30, 2013

Lily M.

@kelia O you have such nice eyebrows! and lovely lips I wish mine were that big!

May 30, 2013

Lily M.


May 30, 2013

Meera S.

@resham you are a natural beauty I love tht
@lily I love your hair , and your hair cut makes you look so cute
@ kelia you are like a baby dol, so pretty

May 30, 2013

Alycia K.

@meera your hair is gorgeous!! (Srry about the horrible picture quality)

May 30, 2013

Andreea A.

Aly, your eyes are lovely. meera, you are gorgeous
@resham, you are so natural and beautiful

May 30, 2013

Barbara L.


May 30, 2013

Barbara L.

You have gorgeous cheek bones and I love your hairstyle!

May 30, 2013

Yasmin S.

@BarbaraL your eyes look awesome!
@AndreeaC your so beautiful! Your hairstyle is lovely(:
@AlyK. Your makeup looks do good and your skin looks amazing(:
this is me-,-
I don't have any other pictures of myself sorry!

May 30, 2013

Michal D.

Barbara: you're very gorgeous! especially your hair and lips.
Yasmin: you're very pretty! you have very beautiful eyes and hair :)
all of you girls amazing!!

May 30, 2013

Chloe L.

Michal D: your lips are pretty in pink

Yasmin: your eyes are beautiful

Barbara L: you have beautiful eyes, mouth and hair!  Haha

May 30, 2013

Tealy A.

@Yasmin you have awesome hair! Perfectly wavey! @Michal You have great eyebrows! I'm jealous, I bet you don't even have to fill them in at all! @Chloe You have fantastic smile! You really look happy :)
This is me :)

May 30, 2013

Michal D.

Thanks Tealy! But thos eyebrows are turture. I have to do them every two weeks because they grow really fast :( And your hair is awesome!
Chole! I like your lip's natural color :)