How To Get Rid Of A Pimple.


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Jun 2, 2013

Frieda S.

How can I get rid of a pimple asap or Atleast cover it up?

Jun 2, 2013

Emily T.

Witch hazel and sudocreme! Ice helps take the redness down too. Concealer then powder it to make it last all day! x

Jun 2, 2013

Frieda S.

Thank you

Jun 2, 2013

Emily T.

Your welcome! x

Jun 2, 2013

Emilie T.

Put baby powder on it;)

Jun 2, 2013

Isabella D.

Toothpaste pulls the white to the surface. Heat at night then puncture with a sterilized needles. If you get them a lot you can buy a cheap high frequency wand off amazon and do at home treatments.. Very effective

Jun 2, 2013

Ivonne B.

Poke a tinny hole and add eyedrops. Reduces redness and maybe even size depending.