Help! Skincare advice please!


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Jun 2, 2013

Giulia A.

Out of curiosity, I tried picking on my acne with a bobby pin (not to worry, I sprayed toner and alcohol on it to make sure it was clean), and got rid of some nasty blackheads. The next day, three pimples suddenly popped up and my face had tons of scar. Help! How can I fade these scars in one week? And do tomatoes and sunflower oil help? ;(

Jun 2, 2013

Emily T.

Sudocreme! x

Jun 2, 2013

Jillian K.

I've heard you could open up vitamin e capsules and apply that to the scars to help them fade.

Jun 2, 2013

Lynzie B.

You probably didnt get all the black head out when you popped them. I use neospoin and a ban-aid takes care of mine, but I would also try the vitamin e capsule 2.

Jun 2, 2013

Giulia A.

Thanks girls! Yeah, some of the scars are still bumps but I'm too scared to use the bobby pin again, cos I don't want any more blemishes on my face. I have to get rid of them in one week. Tell me it's possible. Any homemade stuff that can help?

Jun 2, 2013

Emily T.

Yep put witch hazel on the pimples to make them go then put a thick layer of sudocreme on your face every night! It might dirty you pillow but its worth it! x

Jun 2, 2013

Giulia A.

Thanks! ;)