Post photos of your train cases and trolleys!


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I'm considaring purchasing myself a train case or trolley for my personal kit, since it's so large, and I travel weekly. Thing is, online shopping can make it hard to imagine size and how kit items would fit into it.

So I was wondering, if those of you who own one of the big train case/trolley type storage units could post photos of your case, and how your organize items/bags and such into it?

I think it will help me start to figure out what I want size wise if I could see how various kits work for other people and artists!

Thank you so much!

(If you use a suitcase and bags, post that too! I'd love to see how people divide their kit up insode of storage because I find it difficult!)

If its for personal use I wouldn't want to buy a professional case. But it's up to individual reference. You can check out the crown brush pro trolley ;). It's awesome and I'm waiting for my order hehe.

It's for personal use, but the amount that I travel with is pretty intense, so I feel that some sort of professional case would help me maintain better organization while on the road, compared to having 20 or so bags stuffed into bigger bags, and so on.

Jun 15, 2013

Alicia S.

I just got this case from for freelancing but I also have a smaller hard case that's I use for my personal makeup.
I can fit tons of makeup in it. I put my palettes and travel size bottles of skincare in the bottom with my foundations and everything else is organized into the trays