Green or blue eyeliner?


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Jun 3, 2013

Emily E.

Which one looks better with my eye color? The green or the blue? Can I wear both (just not at once)?

Jun 3, 2013

Emily T.

Is day blue however I think it is too bright for under the eye! Try smudging in to the upper lash line! x

Jun 3, 2013

Emily T.

I'd say*

Jun 3, 2013

Beth F.

I think the green looks better on you :)

Jun 3, 2013

Julia R.

I prefer the blue one! Maybe just smudge it a lil bit :)

Jun 3, 2013

Jazmynn B.

I like the green it goes with your eye color.

Jun 3, 2013

Emily E.

Yeah, I went a little crazy with the blue. Lol. Thank you everyone. :)

Jun 3, 2013

Emily M.

I totally think blue, maybe green in a different color. That lime green is a little too vibrant and I personally think it makes you look sickly! Try mixing the two together maybe for an aquamarine. In Maybelline's eyestudio shimmer palllets in Forest Fury has a deep green and an aquamarine that look awesome on the lower lash line! I have similar dark brown eyes : )

Jun 3, 2013

Kimberly T.

What kind of liner is that? It's so bright!

Jun 3, 2013

Maruby M.

I really do not like either just my opinion :/

Jun 3, 2013

Alexandra S.

They are a bit too vibrant try to smudge them also I'd pick green because it matches your eyes.

I like the blue better, but I agree smudge it more and maybe dress up the top lid more, it seems too bottom heavy without something to balance on top (brown smokey eye, black wing?)

Jun 3, 2013

Amber K.

Blue. But wear it on your eyelid!

Jun 3, 2013

Sahar N.


Jun 3, 2013

Christine C.

I like blue but try blending it a little bit more.

Jun 4, 2013

Ireland H.

I'm sorry but I do not like either one.

Jun 4, 2013

Barbara L.

I don't like either.