Strange and Stupid question!


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Jun 3, 2013

Ashley L.

A lot of people have asked me to do their makeup in the upcoming monthes. Some are close friends some are not. My question is would it be highly unprofessional to tell them to bring some of their own makeup? and then I'll use some that I have saved for clients -so to speak?. I have like little to no money to buy makeup for clients. I can't buy foundations or concealer, basically all face makeup products. I have a lot saved for eye makeup tho. I think that would be totally unprofessional. I really want to do makeup for these girls, but I don't think it will happen.

Jun 3, 2013

Betsy N.

If their your friends I think you can or just tell them thats its better to work with something they already know works for them. Or lower the price for them if they bring their makeup.

Jun 3, 2013

Ashley L.

Oh and if I do these girls faces then.. I could buy the makeup I would need to make a full kit.

Jun 3, 2013

Ashley L.

My friend is getting married and I don't really know ther bridesmaids but they want me to do their face. I wasn't planning on charging to muxh anyways. @ betsy I like how you answered tho I didn't think about it that way.

Jun 3, 2013

Betsy N.

Welcome you can also use a good drugstore foundation. Or tell them its more hygienic to use there's instead of using all the same one.

Jun 3, 2013

Roxy K.

Yeah I agree with the other girls
tell them to bring their own face products because of hygienic purposes

Jun 3, 2013

Ashley L.

Ok thanks girls for all your help!! I will definitely do that! :)) I don't feel odd about asking them to bring their face makeup now!

Jun 3, 2013

Ashley L.

@ Raquel I have been practicing how to sanitize everything properly specifically for these purposes!! :))

Jun 3, 2013

Brooke L.

You really need disposable brushes for sanitary reasons. But other than that. You should deff tell them to bring their own makeup just explain to them you don't have the $ to buy new makeup.

Jun 3, 2013

Jennifer T.

There's nothing wrong asking them to bring their own makeup. Have fun painting their canvas! :)

Jun 4, 2013

Ashley L.

Like what kind of disposable brushes brooke?

Jun 4, 2013

Ashley L.

Thank you I sent out a type of business card to everyone in my area. I live in a kind of small town so I'm hoping word will spread! :))