Thoughts On Shaving Arms?!


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Jun 2, 2013

Shannon R.

I shave mine because I had really dark hair and it was thick too, I shave them every 1-4 days and they do fine, unlike your legs they don't get razor burn, t least mine don't so thats a positive! but I feel so much more comfortable around guys when I shave them, I say do it.

Jun 3, 2013

Meg F.

I shaved mine when I was 13. A boy commented on my arm hair and I became very self-conscious about it, so I shaved it off. Just on my forearms though. I still have to every day or it will come back dark and prickly. I have some fuzzy (but lighter) hair on a small portion of my arms above my elbows that I'd like to remove but haven't because I don't want those becoming darker. I see no problem with shaving if you're committed to having to do it at least every other day?