Belly Button Piercing??


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Jun 2, 2013

Kiara E.

So when I was 18 I got my belly button and I took care of it as instructed it got infected and the ring was hanging on just a lil bit of skin then I got it pierced again with a different piercer and did a different care for it and it lasted less time the my first time and I cared for it really good then my friend told me it cld just be the actually ring, suggest for me to get it done with a gold ring not just a regular ring any recommendation on how yu treated yur piecing? And things you avoided?

Jun 2, 2013

Brittany P.

I just followed standard instructions, it got infected once and then cleared up. Now it's fully healed. Perhaps your skin is just more susceptible to rejecting piercings? If that's the case, I'd not pierce it again.

Jun 2, 2013

Georgia O.

Best choice is surgical steal metals.Next you want to keep it clean as possible!What I use to do in the beginning was to take a q-tip and deep it in bedaden(an antiseptic liquid and just go round the piercing.It didn't work so I got infected!It was terrible but I took care of it by cleaning it all the time and actually pouring antiseptic through the hole!!I sometimes took out the ring to clean it as well. So what you need is to keep it clean as possible for the first days.Pouring liquid antiseptic (like octenisept) through it will help it a lot and heal properly.:)

Jun 2, 2013

Kiara E.

Thank you :) yess cuz I wanna get it done again and hope that third times a charm and I'm going to go to the most professional piecing place ever lol

Jun 2, 2013

Alyssa G.

I have the bottom and top pierced. have had both done for over 10 years now. The bottom took over a year to completely heal, but haven't had a problem since it did. I would put warm water with sea salt in a cup and let the piercing soak for 5-10minutes and follow up with applying zinc oxide. Should help to heal quickly and properly.

Jun 2, 2013

Victoria A.

I have quite a few piercings and I have heard before from different people that sometimes the body rejects the piercing. Meaning over time the skin holding the piercing on will get smaller and smaller bc your body is not taking well to it. For example I had my eyebrow pierced an about a year after I had it I noticed the piece of skin was getting smaller... It got so small that it eventually ripped out and now I have a scar :/

Jun 2, 2013

Brittany H.

I got my belly button pierced when I was 14 and it never seemed to heal and I kept it clean and took care of it, but it would still hurt occasionally. One night when I was 16 I took it out before I went to bed and it was closed completely when I woke up! I have a scar now :/ I don't think my body liked having metal in it so I haven't gotten anymore body piercings. Some people are sensitive to metals and some reject it. Maybe you shouldn't do it again.

Jun 2, 2013

Shauna S.

Everyone says to use surgical steel piercings but many people don't know that they contain lead which lots of people are allergic to especially in that kind of sensitive spot. If it's possible, try to get a titanium ring, but if you can't then try to use a different metal than what you normally use. If it doesn't work then your body just can't handle being pierced there.

Jun 2, 2013

Rebecca G.

Titanium is the best you can get, and you have to remember that a belly ring is technically a surface piercing and surface piercings WILL defiantly reject at some point. Some last much longer depending on the person. Getting it pierced twice will actually make it reject sooner compared to only being able to pierce it once, but considering that it was so close to falling out you made a good call :) I used to work at culture craze and I've seen a lot of this, the best I can tell you is put in a titanium (or bio-plast bar if you can find one, make sure it's not just a cheep plastic though) and to continue using salts on it (if you can get salt spray its much better, the distilled water actually makes a fair difference) and mabey for a while try to get really light beads to put on it :)

Jun 3, 2013

Meg F.

In addition to everyone's advice, I would advise you to consider the scar tissue that is now there. Just keep in mind :)