Moisturiser Help Please(:


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Jun 1, 2013

Yasmin S.

I am currently using e45 cream on any skin in the day and night but recently there has been two problems forming, 1. My face becomes oily (only a bit) after I apply it this has only jut started happening and I have normal to dry skin 2.after I put the moisturiser on my face dries up after about an hour at the most, it lacks moisture throughout the day and before you say to drink water, that's all I drink constantly(: oh and moisturiser doesn't last through the night, I wake up with my face feeling so dry ( no flaky bits though just the feeling of a tight dry face) so guys, what moisturisers do you recommend?(:

Jun 1, 2013

Yaz Y.

I recommend clarins beauty flash balm, it's quite pricey but totally worth the money as it doesn't flake, go oily and gives a nice glow.

Jun 1, 2013

Kirsty M.

E45 isn't supposed to be used as the everyday moisturiser. Try ones that are designed for this purpose and that say they do what you need. Ie combat dryness and last eight hours.

Jun 1, 2013

Kealey L.

Simple x

Jun 1, 2013

Savannah G.

Aveeno baby moisturizing cream and I know it says baby but it is so good I love it

Jun 1, 2013

Natasha P.

For the day I think you should go for the aveeno fresh essentials its spf 30 and its great for the summer. for the night try euciren brand they have moustrizers for every skin type.