I need some advice about jewelry please!!


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Jun 1, 2013

Stephanie M.

I know this isn't makeup related but I need some help and all of you ladies always give such honest opinions. I need to find a good quality faux wedding ring set that won't turn. Just until we can afford my real ring set. I don't care that the diamonds are cz. I just want the silver to last. I've bought a couple and they both turned copper. I'm willing to pay more for silver that won't tarnish. Any suggestions??

Jun 1, 2013

Mary A.

Sterling silver shouldn't tarnish. you can find some nice ones at like department stores like belks or Dillard's.

Jun 1, 2013

Leslie S.

Check Qvc they have some pretty good lines and a decent turn policy so if it goes south you can return it :)

Jun 1, 2013

Bree B.

Macy's, even Sear's or Kohl's.

Jun 1, 2013

Charlotte P.

I wanted a "fake" ring and after searching online I chose this ring from Jcpenney it was almost $400. I've had it since 2011 and it has not turned any colors. I get compliments in this ring all the time even from women who are sporting large real rocks. It also came with the wedding band.

Jun 1, 2013

Charlotte P.

Sorry the ring came out blurry.

Jun 1, 2013

CorCor C.

Yes qvc do some good ones and a good silver cloth will clear up any signs when any tarnishing starts 💍

Jun 1, 2013

Stephanie M.

Wow! Thanks so much ladies! This is a huge help!!

Stephanie M.

Cleveland, Ohio