Pimples On My Nose?!


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May 27, 2013

Krishna P.

I have really small pimples on my nose and they are red which makes them visible...is there a way to get rid of them off my nose quickly? Thanks!

May 27, 2013

Ally M.

I have the same problem and I need them gone too!!

May 27, 2013

Sam B.

Exfoliate your skin, I find putting sugar on half a lemon and rubbing it on my face works well too and use toner because it helps dry it out :)

May 27, 2013

Trish K.

^see I've tried that with no luck I have the same problem and I also have blackheads but I would try it for your self and see if it works for you to use the lemon and sugar.

May 27, 2013

Monica P.

To get rid of black heads I use salt and toothpaste