Help Me Stop Biting :(!!


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May 25, 2013

Ariah D.

Help me to stop biting my nails they are so yuck and I don't know what too do , ppplease help this is a picture -.- YUCK!!

May 25, 2013

Ariah D.

UGH yuck!

May 25, 2013

Julie S.

Paint them, it makes you want to keep them looking nice so you don't bite.

May 25, 2013

Indira E.

I have the same problem I put hot sauce and then I painted them it seems to be working

May 25, 2013

Alycia K.

There's this thing that you put on your teeth to keep smiling so if you can find that then put it on your nails and it'll taste so bad that ull stop biting.

May 25, 2013

Fabienne V.

My friend did that then she started to paint her nails and then she stopped biting them but whenever she forgets to paint them she starts biting them again :p.

May 25, 2013

Khyla D.

try fake nails

May 25, 2013

Jessica J.

Run Vaseline on your nails or get fake nails. If you chewed them off you would feel bad about ruining your manicure.

May 26, 2013

Abby M.

Always chew gum, thats how my friend stopped :)

May 26, 2013

Tanz A.

Get acrylics done. I was a constant biter. forever peeling my layer of nail off. then I had acrylic and stopped biting!

May 26, 2013

Molly A.

Try these products

May 26, 2013

Michelle T.

Hi honey, I had the same problem you have, I bit until my naails started bleeding... I tried the stuff that tastes bad, didn't work, I got used to the taste. I tried painting my nails, but when I forgot to do it or the polish started chipping off I started biting again. I tried acrylics, but they came off because they are reaaaally bad for your nails and on nailbiters' nails they don't hold. Then I tried GEL NAILS, well, I'm so happy! my nails are gorgeous now, I realy recommend getting your nails done! Gel is better for youor nails since it bends with them if you hurt your nails, acrylics don't, they break and your own nails breaks with them to, been there done that, it HURTS! I hope this helps, let me know what you are planning to do! Down here is a picture of my nails! Lots of love! xxxxxx

May 26, 2013

Michelle T.

My nails right now! :)

May 26, 2013

Michelle T.

Ps; you can't bite these, they are hard like stone! and you would not want to bite your gorgeous nails!