Pinterest Inspired Face Mask.


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May 27, 2013

Kayla V.

Honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and chile powder. Lets hope this works!!

May 27, 2013

Rachel R J.

Keep us updated! :)

May 27, 2013

Sheree H.

Love your eyebrows

May 27, 2013

Kayla V.

Totally hydrated my skin, I live in the desert, and such a nich light exfoliant!! LOVE IT!

May 27, 2013

Jenny S.

Equal portions of all?

May 27, 2013

Kayla V.

Yes Jenny S. Just make sure the honey is room temp or a little hotter so it will spread easily.

May 27, 2013

Taylor W.

Totally going to try this tomorrow!