Natural Hair Lightning


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May 26, 2013

Karine B.

So I put lemon on my wet hair and spent 2-3 hours in the sun only the top layer worked tho! what do you think about the color? I'm going to re do it tommorow ao that all my hair becomes lighter :)

May 26, 2013

Lauren P.

I did that last summer and got natural highlights. It was soo pretty. The more I spent outside the lighter it got. So just keep goin outside and it should get lighter :)

May 26, 2013

Rachel H.

I think it looks so pretty, but now you have sparked a question! If you put it on just the bottom part of your hair, would you be able to get a kind of ombrè effect?

May 26, 2013

Macayla marie C.

Just a warning, the lemons will dry out your hair like crazy. Be careful how often you do this.

May 29, 2013

Karine B.

@lauren I will keep doing it I love light hair!
@rachel hahaha omg I was thinking the same thing and I want to try it but I'm afraid it'll look weird I don't know
@macayla ohh :/ my hair is already really dry :/