Home Made Acne Wash.


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May 20, 2013

Rachel R.

Ok so I kind of have a combo of oily and dry skin. WITH bad pores and acne. Is there some way I can make a home made wash or scrub?

May 20, 2013

Sam B.

Olive oil and sugar scrub. And to get rid of your acne make this DIY face mask

May 20, 2013

Antisar A.

Yesss let me share with you my quick fix

any cleanser you have dilutw in salt keep adding salt till it feels like a thick paste scrub all over the face this will makr your face super red in the process but when you wash it off after a min you'll be fine I've been doing this forever and when I ever I breakout I do it and it kills acne on the spot well makes it less noticeable

May 20, 2013

Vanessa W.

Youtube Michellephan's anti-acne cinnamon mask. :)