How often should you change your makeup?


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May 19, 2013

Cassandra D.

I hold on to makeup for a while, foundation, mascara, lip stick, eyeshadow etc. and I know its bad for germs. But how often should you change your makeup? Or are there ways to keeping your makeup fresh?

May 19, 2013

Romie L.

I think With mascara its like 2 months? Maybe store some products in the fridge. Sounds weird, I know haha

May 19, 2013

Whitney B.

I change my make up every 6 months.

May 19, 2013

Jocelyn T.

I believe it's every 6 months

May 19, 2013

Alice B.

I change my makeup depending on the type of product it is and how good it is. You should NEVER keep the same mascara, eyeliner, foundation, etc.for more than 1 year. (If it even lasts that long) I change my makeup at least every 6-7 months. Remember though it's varied depending on products.

May 19, 2013

Tiffany D.

I always change mascaras every 3 months and I only use 1 foundation at a time so it only lasts a couple months.

May 19, 2013

Brittany A.

Like Alice said, it depends on the product, and also how well you keep it clean can help keep it longer. If make sure to always use clean brushes/tools and use a makeup cleaning spray on them every so often it will help keep them. Most products will tell somewhere on them how long before you throw them out. There is also paying attention to a change in smell and texture. Here is an article that might help you a little...

May 19, 2013

Shelley W.

I trash mascara after three months and toss anything else once it starts smelling bad or separates.