Your mascara is running...


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May 16, 2013

Tara G.

These are four little wording would have lived to hear from about 10 people I'm sure noticed. I was pouring sweat off my face soit was to be expected. Not leaving the house without a pocket mirror again.

May 16, 2013

Alma M.

Lol ya I don't get how people don't mention things like that,I once walked around with black eye shadow on my nose for awhile after finishing up someone makeup lol I thought hey I hooked her up the least she could have done was say hey you have black eye shadow on your nose but I guess she was to busy looking at herself in the mirror.

May 16, 2013

Tara G.

I will always tell you if you have something on your face Alma. Friends and strangers alike.

May 16, 2013

Dominique T.

When I see people with dirt their face I go tell em, it's rude to let em walk around like that. Last time I was at the club I even told a girl that her label on her dress is showing, I actually just put it inside and she was pretty thankful.

May 16, 2013

Alma M.

Thank you Tara likewise.@Dominique I agree,omg one time at a club a girl was so drunk poor girl didn't realize her boob was out and all these people were just laughing and staring at her,I walked up to her and let her know her stuff was was sad because all those people that seen her where just taking pics so awful.

May 16, 2013

Jamie V.

I always let someone know something like this! I'd rather have someone give me the chance to fix it than to get home and have no idea how many people saw me like that!

May 16, 2013

Dominique T.

@alma omg this is so mean.. But that's the poor society we live in. :/

May 16, 2013

Jamie D.

I agree, I think its just the right thing to do even if you do feel a bit shy saying something. I wish people would of told me I had a hole in my jeans and my underwear was showing! the only person that told me was my 3 yr old daughter! lol glad she was nice enough to tell me... although I think the way people wear some jeans nowadays they probably thought it was on purpose!  :-D.

May 16, 2013

Alma M.

So true @Dominique it's sad, but I do feel great to be the one to say something when things like that happen, stranger or not sometimes you have to have peoples back  :-)

May 16, 2013

Dominique T.

Haha ya I bet that's what they thought Jamie! :D
Yea me too alma, especially they'd never think of a girl with tats and piercing that she could be nice :D old people often stare at me and are kinda speechless when they accidentally drop something and I help them pick it up lol

May 16, 2013

Carol H.

Once I encounter this lady at a department store walking with white pant and her monthly gift made its thing I told her and she look at me smile and said I know and keep shopping!! :/

May 16, 2013

Alma M.

Dominique that's funny,@Carol wow but hey atleast you told her  :-)