How should I do this help?


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May 16, 2013

Darynn V.

I'm so bad at pen eyeliner how should I apply it.

May 16, 2013

Ashley D.

Use it on your upper and lower water line, and for above your lashes use a felt tip eyeliner, way easier.

May 16, 2013

Darynn V.


May 16, 2013

Darynn V.

Do you like these earrings?

May 16, 2013

Wade-William A.


May 16, 2013

Ashley D.

Not my fav

May 16, 2013

Melissa H.

Yes, super cute! I love the color!

May 16, 2013

Christina L.

I only like the feather ones.

May 16, 2013

Heather Y.

I don't know your age but, I think they look a little childish? I'm sorry, so nor trying to be a bitch!

May 16, 2013

Roxy B.

They don't look childish to me. I like them but not my color maybe in a cream color or black or grey..I'd rock them.

May 16, 2013

Jamie D.

I agree, the feathers are cute but wouldn't wear the others unless I was really young.
As to the first question, when applying use small short strokes and connect them one at a time then go back over it with a smudger to even it out and blend. its way easier than if you try to do it in one long stroke

May 16, 2013

Jennifer R.

Are they calcipher earrings? :3.

May 16, 2013

Salome V.

Start out by stamping them in sections. So start from the outside and work your way inwards. The outer part should appear thicker then the inner corner area of the lid:)

May 16, 2013

Zoz A.

How old are you?? they are too cute if you're 11-16 years old :-)

May 17, 2013

Salome V.

Honestly yes they aren't the greatest earrings but I say if you love them go for it!! Whatever makes you happy:)) P.S. she just asked if anyone liked her earrings not if it matches her age!