Acne Help Please


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May 18, 2013

Golden G.

Guysss :( I just broke out really bad and I need help I brought the aveeno acne pads and use this stuff the doctors gave me but I don't feel like its working I want them gone like now! And I keep wearing makeup because I want to cover the redness and hugeness of them up , is it bad to apply makeup help.

May 18, 2013

Marley M.

I have acne too. I wash face w/ a face wash that has salicylic acid in it then I put a toner w/ salicylic acid in it. Then I put on a topical cream on my face from the doctor. It really helps. I would wipe your face off in the middle of the day to get off excess oil off. And make sure you wash your face 2 times a day. Hope I helped :)

May 18, 2013

Leslie A.

Put ice on them do lower them or use tooth paste for a while.

May 18, 2013

Sage S.

Using makeup is not necessarily good for your skin for many reasons. As for your acne problem, it can take up to three months for a product to work.

May 18, 2013

Renee G.

Clinique acne solutions spot it's the best use it in the morning and at night heals in a few days.

May 18, 2013

Renee G.

You should also use a face wash a face toner and a face moisturizer twice a day!

May 18, 2013

Kieaira C.

Drink lots of water and clean your face with rubbing acohal always works try not to eat sugary things.

May 18, 2013

Golden G.

Thanks guys , I do everything that was stated except alcohal although I tried it before and toothpaste makes my bumps worse :/

May 19, 2013

Alya A.

You could use benzoyl peroxide, it will dry them out.

May 21, 2013

Leslie A.

It depends on how long you leave the toothpaste on so if its worse don't do it again.