How did you get into make up?


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May 27, 2013

Bekah S.

Where did it all start?

May 27, 2013

Janelle S.

Sixth grade- all of my sisters were starting to wear makeup and I got curious. Eighth grade I started to really get into it and try different styles.

May 27, 2013

Hana J.

Year 11 in UK. YouTube is way forward ;)

May 27, 2013

Taylor C.

I was in middle school when I started using my moms eyeshadow & then in late high school I did my own make-up for prom & I've been into every since

May 27, 2013

Tiffany P.

Enough said? Lol. I always loved make up and I wore it for dace. I really started getting into it in 7th grade and I leaned how to apply it. I became obsessed with taking care of my skin so I was always trying new products to find the most natural look for me.

May 27, 2013

Tiffany P.

Btw that's my mom! Lol. :)

May 27, 2013

Hazel G.

I thing the first make up I ever had (appart from like actual little girl dress up make up) was when I was about 9 or 10, my parents had broken up and my dad was getting with a new woman so before I'd even met her she sent me a big box of old make up to try and make a good impression =P muaha and that's probably the most high end make up I ever owned lol. At the time though my friends and would just play with it, I didn't properly start wearing make up till I started high school when I was 11 (I'm in the UK), I really got experimental with it when I was about 14 though, I was quite moshery/gothy/scene kid/alternative (whatever you wanna call it lol) so I'd experiment with really bold, dramatic looks.. some worked, others didn't haha, but I'd say that's when I actually got into make up as something for fun rather than just routine =]

May 27, 2013

Hazel G.

Omg that's a well long post! ramble much haha =P.

May 27, 2013

Sarah H.

I feel like a lost sheep!! I didn't wear makeup or get into it until I was 17years old and in my first job!!... My manager said I should wear makeup as I was first point of contact for potential clients and was going to London twice a week on business... She booked me in for make over and since then I thought I needed it as got loads of praise for how wonderful I looked... So I kept it up and now I waste 2 hours a day putting makeup on!! So I've wasted over 6000 hours putting a mask on my face for 9 years!! It's my normal look now and so I'm trying to go makeup free!! Xxx

May 27, 2013

Sage S.

To be honest, I started because I felt ugly. it was also a combination of my friends trying it out too.

May 27, 2013

Katie B.

My mom would do my makeup for me for special occasions. When she first did it, I thought I looked so weird because I'd never seen my eyelashes curled or eyeshadow on before! She bought some stuff for me to use on my own after, but I didn't start actually using it until this year (9th grade)

May 27, 2013

Lizzy W.

My mom doesn't wear makeup, but when I was little I loved doing the blindfolded makeup challenge with my friends, and I always begged my mom to buy me these Barbie eyeshadow quads (which she never did!). It wasn't until I stumbled upon YT beauty videos that I really got into it.

May 27, 2013

Dimple N.

When highschool started... Only wore it on the first day for the first time and continued

-- I only wear liquid eyeliner and mascara though :3

May 27, 2013

Miranda H.

Seeing my mom put on makeup and watching infomercials on QVC.

May 27, 2013

Emilia C.

I was 12 years old and just saw all the youtubers and thought it was so fun.

May 27, 2013

Amber K.

My mum is a professional makeup artist so I've always been around it:)

May 27, 2013

Ceecee C.

When I got into 7th grade I just wore clear mascara and lipgloss then it grew from there

May 28, 2013

Stephanie C.

I really started with make up when I was about 13 because I started to have acne & I just felt so ugly; I was trying to hide behind it... But now I understand makeup should not be used to hide but to enhance your natural beauty; because we ALL ARE BEAUTIFUL!! C: <3

May 30, 2013

Sophia E.

I originally just wore foundation and eyeliner just to cover up my acne scars and make me look alive starting from my freshman year, but my obsession began after watching grav3rdgirl's giveaway of a Dark Shadows makeup palette. It was on the Popular Videos section. From that video I went to related videos and was amazed at all the beauty gurus and makeup products. Yup..that was the day I became a woman. Joking, but I was seriously very boyish compared to now lol.

May 30, 2013

Sophia E.
