Anyone else taking a break from heat styling?


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May 27, 2013

Sarah L.

It's been almost three months since I last used any sort of heat on my hair. Kind of wanted to give my dry and damaged hair a break. I have to admit though, it's tough! I see some pictures of beautifully straightened hair and it almost makes me want to run to my flat iron. Just wondering if anybody else here feels my pain!

May 27, 2013

Sandra R.

I can't do that xD hahhah I did it one time ,lasted a week lol.

May 27, 2013

Brandi B.

I'm slowly starting the process of no heat. I've started by not using my blow dryer and just my straightener for now, which I've cut back on using to the days I wash my hair only. I'm pretty lucky though to be able to run my straightener through my hair twice a week and it still stays smooth and not frizzy the days I don't wash.

May 27, 2013

Hana J.

I am. I quickly only blow dry my hair and I've noticed a huge difference. it feels great in a way to not really bother with it :)

May 27, 2013

Ella R.

Yep I haven't done it since the start of December! My hair loves me now :)

May 27, 2013

Lilly E.

I have to force myself to do it, too.
I have natural curly hair and since I stay away from the flat iron my curls look even better, although I still have pretty bad split ends from all the damage I did to my hair when I was straightening it :/

May 27, 2013

Hannah G.

Yes! I have naturally curly hair and the straightening was damaging my hair! since I havent been using heat a see a huge difference!

May 27, 2013

Kelly K.

Yes! I love my hair now.. So much healthier.

May 27, 2013

Diana T.

I haven't completely weaned off heat but in the summer I only ever straighten my bangs otherwise I dry my hair naturally its too hot for a full blow out and straighten I'd rather rock my natural waves :)

May 27, 2013

Sarah L.

Ahh so good to know I'm not alone! I can definitely feel a difference in my hair. There's so much less breakage than there was when I was heat styling every day.

May 27, 2013

Anabelle F.

I have started using less heat and like you, I've been feeling the pain! I just remember that my hair will be healthy and pretty for summer!

May 27, 2013

Ditte V.

I haven't used heat on my hair in like 4 months. I try to do some heatless hairstyles, like heatless curls, braids and ponytails :)

May 27, 2013

Sarah L.

Yeah YouTube is so great for tutorials. I do headband curls at least twice a week now!

May 27, 2013

Tvisha P.

I used to straighten my hair almost every week.. I have stopped it from almost 4 months now.. I have seen a huge difference. Less breakage, damage , dryness. Also I have cut down on using styling products or serums. Only a little bit of mythic oil. I have definitely seen a big different as my hair growth has also increased.. Esp the frizz has decresed.. Which was such a huge relief. :)

May 27, 2013

Sarah L.

I can relate to frizz. My poor hair was fried!

May 27, 2013

Sequoia S.

Trying too!

May 27, 2013

Meghan C.

I saw on pinterest once some method using brown sugar to naturally straighten your hair.. however I try not to style my hair at all on days I'm not doing anything important, and I always use argan oil and keratin treatment while my hair is damp. I also use a heat protectanr and I put oils on my ends to somehow help!

I have been heat free for like 6 months and still going strong 💗 I love my curls and am scared to straighten them and ruin my progress.

May 28, 2013

Amber K.

I used to feel the same way, but I've stopped using heat on my hair or a while now and my hair has never looked so healthy! I don't miss my straightener at all:)

May 28, 2013

Tiffany D.

Yes I'm Tiffany and a former straightening addict and I've been sober from straightening from over a year lol.